Memo #4- International Business Ethics Case Competition (IBECC)

Dear Teams,

Please see below as a reminder for deadlines that are quickly approaching, and other details:

1.  Hotel
The event will be held at the luxurious Loews New Orleans.  We have secured a rate of $209 + tax as a nightly rate.  For booking reservations, please go to and book by Monday, March 30.
*Awards will be announced and prize money will be distributed the evening of the 23rd, so please do not book your flight home before Friday the 24th.

2.  Presentation Guidelines
Further information on presentation guidelines and the program can be found at .  Please refer to that site regularly for updates.  Also, it will be extremely helpful to review some videos on the VIDEO section of the website to get an idea of how things are done.
*Also, just a reminder, in order to be eligible for prize money, your presentation needs to be set up so that you are addressing a business audience.

3.  Executive Summary
The Executive Summary for your team’s presentation is due by Friday, March 20.  Instructions and the PDF form can be found at .  Please send this to Chiray Koo at  You may bring an updated version of your Executive Summary to the event.

4.  PowerPoint
The PowerPoint for your team’s presentation will be due on Friday, April 10.  Please send this to Chiray Koo at   You may bring an updated version of your PowerPoint to the event.

5.  IBECC 2015 Schedule
Tuesday, April 21 –  Welcome Orientation (evening)
Wednesday, April 22 – Full Presentations
Thursday, April 23  – 10 minute/90 second Presentations and Awards Ceremony (all day-evening)
Friday, April 24 – Departure date for teams

Since the Welcome Orientation will be held in the evening, Tuesday may be used as a travel day.  However, all teams should plan to stay through Thursday evening and not check out until Friday morning.

6.  Mentor from France
We have an interesting possibility with an offer by someone willing to serve as a mentor for a team. Professor Adrian Zicari is a professor in Management Control (i.e. performance indicators, scorecards) at the ESSEC Business School in France. He is comfortable working in issues of information for decision-making. He also used to work in hospitals, so this could be an area in which he can help. And because he is originally from Argentina, if a case is situated in Latin America, he will probably be familiar with the context.  Because Professor Zicari is in France, contact will be at a distance–e-mail, phone, Skype, etc.

Any team interested should send a short note describing your topic to Professor Thomas White at as soon as possible. He will forward those to Professor Zicari, who will choose the one that’s most interesting. Teams will be able to work with him for 2-3 hours between now and the competition, so that we don’t take advantage of his generosity. The details of this will be worked out between him and the team.

That is it for now.  Please let us know if you have any questions!